A Look Back on 2023

A Look Back on 2023

2023 has been a mixture of highs and lows for Mokosh, so I thought now was a good time to share the inside story on our year, together with our plans for 2024.

Some Tough Decisions

At the beginning of the year we were faced with an ingredient crisis: we could no longer reliably obtain ingredients at a quality we were satisfied with for our much loved Facial Cleanser, Exfoliator & Mask. So, we made the tough decision to discontinue it. Our disappointment at saying goodbye to this beautiful product was a little overwhelming... but with quality at the heart of what we do, we knew it was the right choice.

I still have customers regularly asking “what happened to it?”, “will it come back?” and “how will I live without it?” Each query makes me a little sad because I get it, I loved it too. And, to be honest, I feel like I’ve let you down. However, I thought I should let you know that behind the scenes, we’ve been researching ingredients for a new formula. It’s a slow process and I can’t make any promises - except that we will only release it if and when we are truly satisfied with it.

Another dilemma we faced this year was with our jars. When we started to receive feedback that some of the lids were cracking, we knew it was time to reconsider. We are now transitioning these products to the higher quality (and more expensive!) Miron glass jars. You may have noticed our new jars if you’ve purchased a Rich Face Cream recently. Our bottled products are already packaged in Miron glass, so our new jars will be in good company!

And A New Product

While it can be incredibly fun to launch new products, we only do so if they are necessary. And our newest product, the Gratitude Soap, was necessary.

This year, the environmental crisis intensified and we felt compelled to step-up our response. We knew we wanted to do something that provided our community with an accessible way to contribute too. And so, the Gratitude Soap was born. The Gratitude Soap is so named because it signifies appreciation for the natural world, on which we depend for everything. The limited-edition, summery scent and seafoam wrapping paper were inspired by our coastal setting and it was such a joy to create them.

And your response? Wow.

Thank you. Because this was a labour of love, minimising profit while maximising impact. With each soap you purchase, we organise for one tree to be planted in the Yarra Yarra Biodiversity Corridor. This is in addition to our regular Plant-A-Tree campaign, where we pay for one tree to be planted with ever online order valued at $100 or more (see more on this, below).

We can’t wait to collaborate with you on more charity products in 2024.

Our Trees 

For me, stepping into nature is my way of recharging. Whether it’s a stroll around the neighbourhood or brisk beach walk, taking care of my garden or staring up at the forest canopy – nature never fails to calm and delight.

This year, I took a trip to the Yarra Yarra corridor where our/your trees are planted and it brought a great sense of affirmation that Mokosh is exactly where I am supposed to be. Although we’re a tiny business, we’re responsible for planting over 6,500 trees to date.

Our tree plantings are managed by Carbon Neutral, and with their amazing efforts the Yarra Yarra Biodiversity Corridor has become the largest biodiverse reforestation carbon sink in Australia. This is made all the more special by the fact that it is one of only 25 biodiversity hotspots in the entire world. 

Our Recycling

As you may know, we’ve been running a container return scheme for some years now. With this initiative, you can return your glass jars to be sterilised and refilled and your plastic lids, pumps and droppers to be fully recycled with Terracycle.

Next year, we want to increase the number of people who take advantage of this. Soon, every online order will include full instructions + a reply paid postage label. We hope this will boost awareness and make it easier for you to return your packaging.

Collaborating With Local Artisans

This year we collaborated with ceramicists Beste of Beste Ogan Design and Sim of Winterwares, and it was wonderful. Their beautiful, hand made pieces exemplify slow, mindful living and are a breath of fresh air compared to the mass-produced alternatives.

As Sim says, ‘Handmade ceramics are a testament to the beauty of slowing down and savouring life’s little moments. Our ceramics reflect our ethos of living with purpose and embracing simple pleasures.’ This sentiment is one I would like to bring with me into 2024.

Receiving Recognition

Mokosh exists primarily to deliver the healthiest, most nourishing skin care to our community while honouring our planet, its animals and people. All the same, receiving recognition from industry leaders feels fantastic.

This year, we were one of very few skin care brands selected to showcase at an event in London honouring 20 years of Rolls Royce at Goodwood. On this whirlwind trip we connected with other brands leading the way in sustainable luxury, admired some beautiful vintage cars, and snuck out of the city for a stroll in the countryside.

We were also delighted to receive 10 international awards in 2023, of which we were winners in 7 categories - an event that left us both humbled and honoured.

What's Next?

Our mission remains the same: to offer streamlined, high quality and multipurpose skin care that adheres to our principles of no synthetic ingredients, no palm oil and 100% certified organic.

As new, precious ingredients appear on the market, we continue to research and test, to see whether we can improve on existing formulas or offer something altogether new. However, as we’ve said before, we do not believe in creating a new product for the sake of it - it must fill a gap or it has no place in our range. For this reason, bringing out a new product is a rare event for us.

So in 2024, expect to see formula upgrades, elevated packaging, and maybe... just maybe... a new product or two.

On a Personal Note...

I left a career in science to start Mokosh so I could spend more time with my children and because I was concerned by the long term safety of ingredients used in conventional skin care. Almost 18 years later, Mokosh is still here and I am now a grandmother - an event that has opened up a whole new world of intense love that I didn’t see coming.

While I cherish every moment I get to spend with my granddaughter, it also increases my determination to work in my own small way to take the best care of our planet. For the future of all children, as well as the plants and animals we leave in our wake, we must do all we can to protect and save our natural world.

For me, this means buying as many trees as we can afford while continuing to produce skin care that is revolutionary - clean, water-free, healthy for the skin, and kind to the planet.

At the same time, I send eternal gratitude to each and every customer who has welcomed Mokosh into their lives, and every supplier who continues to provide us with the most wonderful, life-enhancing botanicals from our precious earth.

Finally, I should probably mention that I got married a few weeks ago! To Phil, love of my life, partner of 31 years, father of our 2 wonderful children and grandfather of our gorgeous grandchild. We decided to elope, with just our children and granddaughter as witnesses - it was the most special day.

Wishing you all a wonderful 2024. Let’s work together towards creating a more peaceful, kinder society and a healthier, more sustainable world.

All my love,





  • Carol Rice

    Congratulations Marion, on your Marriage to Phil. I wish you both every happiness.

  • victoria

    congrats we are getting married too after 34 years and two grandchildren

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